Thursday, 31 May 2012

plain red

It's summer! Which is exciting for a lot of reasons. The garden's been planted. Soccer season is in full swing! (thus far, our record one win, one tie) The sun rises early and I can go out for lovely early morning runs. The days are warm or HOT, and I can wear dresses and skirts to my heart's content. So much great stuff about summer.

But one other thing summer means: I'm super busy. And even when I have some free time, I don't often think about knitting. Makes sense. So, if this blog doesn't get many posts in the coming weeks, don't say I didn't warn y'all. 

But here is my latest, and boring, knit. Just a plain red garter stitch scarf.

Not sure when or if I'll wear it... But it was a good way to use up some scrap yarn.

Hope everyone is having and has a great summer!

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Tis the season

Tis the season for...

balaclavas? Not to be confused with baklava. While both are fabulous, only one will keep you hot on a frigid day. So what if it's May. Now's the time to start making yours for next winter!

Because who doesn't need a balaclava? They are great for keeping you warm. (especially when made of wool like this one.) And hiding your identity and... to be honest. I don't know what else.

I made this balaclava for my friend Ad. My bad it took so long to finish and so long to get sent. Ad I hope you like it... and one day it's cold enough that you get some use out of it!! Just not one day any time soon.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012


Mittens, you say? Isn't it spring?

Why yes. It's May. Yes it was 20C outside today. But, yes, those are mittens. (pattern) Mittens that I promised my nephew I'd make him. ... in February.
Yes. I know. I'm a horrible aunt for only finishing them now. Horrible aunt!!
But look at that! I made him a matching hat. (pattern)

So, I'm a little late. But I'm going to choose to look at it another way. That I'm actually early. Christmas gift anyone?

Sometimes it pays to not get things done on time.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

One year

One year.
It can be a long time, or flash by in the blink of an eye. I guess it all depends on your point of view. And this time my point of view was through a camera lens. Err... so to speak.
A year ago today I started a 365Project. I thought taking a picture every day would be a fun way to get better photography skills while documenting some of my life. Well, out of the 366 days in the year (leap day),  I took 337 pictures. Not perfect, but not too shabby.

Here are some of my favourite shots:

Things I've learned?
1) I still, in general, suck at taking pictures. Taking good pictures takes TIME.
2) It's easier and more useful than you'd think to have so many random pictures. There's been tons of times when it's been useful to have a record of my life.
3) Taking a picture every day, in some ways, makes you look at the world differently. I'll notice more little things. The details of them.

So, will I do it again? Yeah. Probably.
At least for another year...