Monday, 19 July 2010

Summer weekend

Oh summer weekends!
They are the perfect time to visit friends, go for a long run, good talks, make jam, see a ridiculous movie, drink ice tea, eat outside, talk about future endeavours and so much more!
And based off of my Friday night drive, it's also the perfect time for high speed chases, resulting in very, very, very slow traffic.
And by slow traffic, I mean stopped. As in, I turned off my car and was standing at the side of the road for at least 30 min. So, tip for long drives: always have knitting close by! You never know when you'll get the opportunity to do a few rows. Yup. That's right. I stood knitting at the side of the road on Friday night. Needless to say I got one or two weird looks, but whatev. I thought it was a good use of my time!
Side note - don't knit while driving. I think the police might not like that very much...

But onto one of the things I made this weekend: raspberry jam!

Isn't it beautiful! And isn't that cute round jam adorable!? I want to eat it up! The jam and the jar.
I can't wait to try some for real.
Yay for summer weekends.

1 comment:

stephchows said...

too awesome that you sat outside to knit LOVE IT!!! and the jam!! the jam!!! that little round one is super cute :)