Are you sure you're skates? You don't hurt my toes. Or my heels. You don't make me fall over! A feat(/feet) I thought was impossible! You are the best skates ever. I am so glad we got the chance to meet and hang out.
Love, -me
Dear Killaloe Sunrise,It's been awhile. Probably 10+ years and if possible, you taste even better than I remember! You are by far the best Beavertail out there.
Hungrily, - me
Dear nephew who is just learning to skate,
You are pretty awesome. Next year I bet I won't be able to keep up to you!!
Hugs, Aunt J.
Dear canal,
You may not be the longest skating rink anymore, but you still rock. Keep it up!
It's not that I don't like you, it's just that... ... ... Okay. I'll admit it. I don't like you. I don't like the coughing, sneezing, or 11hours of sleep a night I've been getting under your horrible dictatorship. But I skated on the canal today even with you hanging around, so take that. Now virus, if you would be so kind as to vacate it would be much appreciated.
I am, yours sincerely, -me.
LOVE LOVE LOVE this post!
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