Tuesday 7 February 2012

Stripped Purple

How do I know it's winter? Not only am I drinking hot chocolate and hot tea like it's going out of style, I'm longing like crazy for new mittens! Luckily, I have an easy fix: I made myself a pair. 

Another way I know it's good and winter in Ottawa? I went skating on the canal this past weekend! YAY Winterlude! So much fun! Yes - even that part there where I fell over on my a%* in front of a crowd of people had had this teenaged boy say: "Ma'am! Are you okay?" Yup. Insult to injury. Ma'am.

But I got up, brushed myself off and ate a beavertail to make myself feel better. And I'm already looking forward to my next skating trip. (no pun intended)

Oh. Right. The mittens.
So, I wanted the mittens to be as close to the same as possible colour-wise, which is sometimes difficult with variegated yarn like noro. So I actually went through the ball and cut out the pieces I wanted to use and then pieced them together here. Now I have the left overs of this ball to use in some other project. We'll see how that looks. But it's definitely worth it to get these cute mittens!

Lucky me, I've made so many mittens in my life, that I didn't go by a pattern, if you are looking for one, here is a pattern you can use.


stephchows said...

I love how you got them to look the same, yet still have that changing color yarn effect. Wicked nice work!

Corrie said...

I love them. SUPER awesome.