Thursday, 14 April 2011

A year in review

Today is an anniversary of sorts. Or an Otta-versary. It's been a year since I moved! Crazy!

And looking back at those lists of things that I'll miss and things I'm looking forward to, I'm surprised by just how spot on they are. Every. Single. Point. It's so exact that I'm thinking I should have bought a lottery ticket. (Don't worry. I wouldn't have played: 4 8 15 16 23 42.)
So, what was I most notably right about?

- Trader Joe's? I've been there 4 times in the past year. Those four times were in the span of lovely Seattle 3 days. Let me tell you, 4 times is not nearly enough! I've broken down at least a half dozen times and actually google-mapped routes to East Coast TJs to figure out the closest one to Ottawa. Answer: None of them. Like, maybe Boston? New York City? None are in driving distance. But watch out TJ's. I will be back.
- I was right. Family day is the absolute best. It would/will be even better once a certain younger brother of mine moved/moves back to town!
- While I miss the mountains, I've adored being on the East Coast, and getting to spend time with East Coast people. Cause I never would have run my first half marathon if I hadn't been here. And while I didn't go canoe camping, I did make chocolate orange cakes in the ADK.
- The library? Yup. I still miss that little building.
- The weather. Yes and yes. (It was on both lists if you remember.) I *loved* winter for the winter aspect of it. Snow? Fun. Canal? Awesome. Getting to wear awesome woolens? Fabulous. I didn't even mind brushing snow off of my car. But I do mind that I can't run outside when it's soooooo cold. I can't stand treadmills. When I am on one I feel a little bit like my soul is dying. So, I am soooo glad that spring is here, cause it's time to get back into running shape!

So what was the one bad prediction I made. ... Turns out I haven't gotten my Canadian accent back. And I have proof. So, my SIL was telling me just this past weekend about a study of regional dialects using twitter. Turns out "Hells ya" and "Hella" are pretty much Bay Area things. Yup. I say those. Mostly jokingly, but I still say them. My SIL said that for the past year she thought I was crazy and had made up that slang. Nope. I just talk like a BA-ian.

All in all, a good first year back in the homeland. And while there are days that I *MISS* it, on the whole, I think the move has been for the good.
And good thing I can visit. Like I'm going to do this summer! :)


stephchows said...

wait.. I say hells yeah! :D

Corrie said...

Yay! Glad you're back! It's like, hella cool, man. Totally.